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Occidental College

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Occidental is perfectly challenging.BrightBiology
Occidental is perfectly challenging. I feel like you know that going in- if you read the mission statement. Occidental is preparing you for an increasingly interdependent and pluralistic world by challenging you to push yourself to your absolute greatest. The choice is up to the student though. To help to do this Occidental has amazing resources like AMP and SSAP that you can go to for extra help to help you excel. Occidental not only has these resources but has amazing research opportunities and internships that are exclusively for Oxy students. However, even then it is up to the student to go out of their way to apply to them. This is what makes your Occidental education a selling point for graduate school and for the work force taking upon those opportunities that you just don't get at state schools. Occidental College has the tools to make your education more than ?just a liberal arts education? I feel as though some just don't take upon the opportunity. Here is an example. Everyday a newsletter goes out with everything going around on campus and sometimes internship opportunities. That is where I found my internship with a big biotech company. When people asked me how did I get it I told them where and they said they never read the newsletter. The opportunities are there friends you just have to open an email or two. Also they choose a certain type of student body on purpose- because they realize people aren't cookie cutter shaped like the state school system makes people seem. They give people a chance to take upon the opportunity because they see your potential. Also every professor I have had is willing to take time out of their day to help. I have had professors in the Art History, Biology, Chemistry, Education and UEP all set up a meeting with me outside of office hours. Their doors are always open. The way they stress writing is extremely important for your future no matter what direction you are going into. Occidental is an expensive school but if you take upon the resources and opportunities available to you it is worth it. I know my feelings will not change after graduation either.
3rd Year Female -- Class 2016
Faculty Accessibility: A+, Campus Maintenance: A-
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Speaking as someone who graduated with a technicalMath
Speaking as someone who graduated with a technical degree, I can say with certainty that Occidental gave me with a well-rounded education that provided a competitive edge over others in my field.

The Senior Comp project, if fully taken advantage of, should provide you with a real accomplishment that you can tout to potential employers (or grad schools) as a way to gain an edge over any competition. The ability to work directly with a Professor-mentor on this project is amazing, and prepares you well for collaborative efforts you'll be engaged in later in life.

As a math/science grad at a liberal arts college, you will be required to develop strong, polished writing skills. I can't tell you how many of my colleagues lack basic writing skills. Being able to demonstrate the ability to write well is, sadly, an easy way to distinguish yourself in technical fields.

Small class sizes and opportunities for undergrad research are excellent. Take advantage of these; talk to your professors, ask them for help. If you move on to grad school, you'll miss those opportunities. Most of your grad school classmates will have never had that opportunity.

Occidental is somewhat unknown outside of academic circles or outside of Los Angeles proper. If you intend to stay in Los Angeles after graduation, the degree will be meaningful and respected by most employers.For someone with conservative or moderate views, the atmosphere at Occidental could be uncomfortable. When I attended, the slant of most courses and on-campus dialogue was very liberal. I'm not sure how much has changed in that respect. I arrived as a Freshman with liberal views, but Occidental showed me that even the liberal philosophy can be taken to extremes that I'm not willing to adhere to. For me, that was a lesson worth learning, in retrospect. At some point, you will have your ideology challenged. That challenge is much more likely to occur early and occur often for someone with conservative or moderate views.

Alumnus Male -- Class 2000
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Oxy is a great liberal arts college.Political Science
Oxy is a great liberal arts college. If you are looking for a college that offers a major that connects directly to a career path(engineering, Pre-law, Communications/marketing), then Occidental is not a good choice. If you're looking for a great all around education that will enable you to think critically and challenge you intellectually, then Oxy is the place for you.

The general skills that I learned at Oxy help me in my work life, but my major did not lead directly to a career path. I'm of the opinion that a good liberal arts education is the best path to learning - Oxy exceeded my expectations.

Be ready to be challenged because Oxy is not an easy school.

Alumnus Male -- Class 2000
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