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Full Sail University

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I can only speak for my degree programQuite BrightOther
I can only speak for my degree program (Game Design - Online) but I have heard positive things about some of the other programs, even the Campus version of mine. As for my program, it's quite a list.

Some courses were being created as we took them resulting in being a week behind on all assignments and next class overlapping. That's just the beginning. Most instructors are horrendous at responding to you, some never do. It took the school a week to reach one of my instructors after I had already exhausted all means of reaching them. Much of the feedback you get on assignments is copied and pasted from the previous students feedback. In group classes we got a kick from looking at previous classes we had taken to see if everyone got the same responses. Usually they did. Most of the courses say they will follow a rubric although you usually won't see it shown when you receive your grade and many cited a non existing rubric. Assignments are consistently out of date and outright wrong on the requirements meaning you constantly are in need to reach out to the instructor. For our final class the assignment stated we needed to log 50 hours a week for a perfect grade. We reached out to the instructor because this went against what the website had said. He let us know that it was only 35. Sadly he didn't tell other groups who ended up just taking it at face value and logging 50. The instructors are almost always polite, but in a political forced way. They are very unhelpful and many are recent graduates without any experience.

I finished with an A average but felt a learned very little from the assignments. Most of the learning was from books you could read on your own and searching Google. The tests are a joke and the instructors remind you they are open book. To make matters worse, the first 5 or so classes you take at the University are very well polished with a lot of interaction from the instructors. They are a model for what a class should be like. Later on they mock the beginning. One teacher even told us that he would pass on our feedback to the next instructor to give to us. The next instructor knew nothing of this. The program is very inconsistent with its requirements and instructions. In one class you are working on something that is going to be used later, only to never hear about it again. When one teacher incorrectly counted our hours all four of us in a group contacted him but he only responded to one of us and changed only one grade, ignoring the rest. You definitely feel like a number and given the disparity between the beginning classes (which are generic and not course specific) and the final classes it makes you feel like you were suckered. I know there are those who argue for Full Sail, but I can say I was a model student who made good grades and did well, but no thanks to the school. Just look at how they rank on lists on this site like the Perceptual Rankings Most Laughed at Diplomas.I would never recommend the program I took and am sad to see that, at least in my degree, they show a very polished front that ends at a very bitter tail end. I'm just glad I went on the GI Bill instead of my own money or loans.

2nd Year Male -- Class 2019
Perceived Campus Safety: A+, Education Quality: F
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Fullsail Holds, "Alumni Networking and Career" events, asComputer Science
Fullsail Holds, "Alumni Networking and Career" events, as a smoke screen. As we call it, wine and dine them, just as they laser light show and pipedream to the youngsters wanting to make pretty things. I am not jobworthy, and not from a lack of hard work either, every day and night while taking the online CABSO program, I studied, dealt with Maya crashes and just learning frustrations. The largest frustration was the lack of answers to questions. You will get, "Go Google it". This from a supposed "Professional Career" instructor? I attended this school opting over Digital Tutors or taking random expensive classes(unemployed at the time)@ Gnomon because I felt that I would get the "classroom" experience and mentoring that a University is well known for. Not FS. You will hear all the "you get what you put into it" jargon everywhere. However, a foundation if built upon sand, will wash away. FS is the house on sand. The really big, pretty flashy house with all the expensive hardware and gold awards inside, but when life's wave comes crashing through, you be that house won't stand, and that is your education from FS. You will not, unless you are a prodigy, get a good job or a job at all. They will not assist anyone that isn't someone that could learn from a monkey. If you are talented, but require answers, DO NOT ATTEND HERE! Bust your ass somewhere else and get the training you are seeking. Regardless of where you go, you will have to bust your ass in this field as in any. You will be a better artist anyway, but don't be stupid and attend a school that is only in it for the money. Think about it, flooding the market EVERY MONTH, with people that have very little to no training to be great and competitive. Good luck and keep searching.
Alumnus Male -- Class 2000
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I don't want this to be too longNot so brightComputer Science
I don't want this to be too long so lets get straight to the point. I earned my BA in Game Design in 2015 and I have a stable job in which I'm working my way up thanks to FSU. Before you let all negative comments decide Full Sail is a bad school read this.

There are different kinds of students at full sail which include:

1. The rich kids who want to make video games so their mommy's pay for them and they realize that you actually have to work because you're earning a full 4-year degree in less that 3 years. Even if they struggle because of how stubborn and arrogant they are, FSU still graduates them because they're plowing money in.

2. The kids who claim FSU is a scam do NOT understand how the school works. Full Sail is a For Profit University which means if you decide to transfer or want a Master's Degree, some schools may not accept your credentials. This is absolutely not a scam, it's just a case of people not understanding what they're getting into before they make the decision of what college they attend.

3. The kids who actually try and know what they're doing. These are the students you see making positive comments because they were prepared for the hard work and cost of the school.Full Sail University is a school that pushes you harder than most schools will so before you decide you want to go here you need to think about if you're ready and prepare yourself for the possible ways for-profit universities can screw you over. The school helps you find a career unlike most universities which just throw you into the real world. It also has top-notch equipment. Overall, FSU is right for you if you can accept and prepare for the hard work, but if you're concerned with the price then getting a Computer Science degree somewhere else might be a better option to go with.

1st Year Male -- Class 1920
Faculty Accessibility: A+, Social Life: D+
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