Idaho State University
StudentsReview ::
Idaho State University - Comments and Student Experiences | |||||||||||||||||||
My experience so far has been enchanting. I enjoy the classes, the college environment and the people around. The student-faculty relationship is really good. They are helpful and respects students. They are just a phone or email away.
The university is not expensive and the cost of living is really low, a good thing. The classes are not easy, especially graduate level. you need to be prepared to do well. The competition level is really high, not at all easy. Overall, if you study on a regular basis, you will do well. With the student diversity and coordinative environment, I am enjoying my most at ISU.
I was a Communication Sciences and Disorders (Audiology) major in Meridian, and I felt like a second-class citizen. The CSED department was brushed to the side to begin with, but because we had very few audiology majors compared to copious amounts of speech-language pathology majors, we were the second-class of second-class. At the time of writing this (and essentially for a full semester), there were ZERO audiology faculty on the Meridian campus (they are all in Pocatello and lecture via Distance Learning).
I felt like we as audiology students could have been learning so much more than we were given the opportunity to learn. And ultimately, I left feeling unprepared for graduate school (although I had been advised that most audiology undergraduate students feel that way).
On the upside, I enjoyed most of my professors (and most of my classes, since I was primarily in major-related courses). I had a couple first-timers who ate the dust but I also had a few professors I fell in love with and really grew close to. That is all up to you, though; if you want to know your professors, you have to make an effort. I can't speak to general-ed type classes or the campus in Pocatello because I went to the Meridian campus and transferred in as a Junior. I would not recommend for or against ISU, just that you make your decision with an open mind and a grain of salt.
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