Idaho State University
StudentsReview ::
Idaho State University - Comments and Student Experiences | |||||||||||||||||||
I was a Communication Sciences and Disorders (Audiology) major in Meridian, and I felt like a second-class citizen. The CSED department was brushed to the side to begin with, but because we had very few audiology majors compared to copious amounts of speech-language pathology majors, we were the second-class of second-class. At the time of writing this (and essentially for a full semester), there were ZERO audiology faculty on the Meridian campus (they are all in Pocatello and lecture via Distance Learning).
I felt like we as audiology students could have been learning so much more than we were given the opportunity to learn. And ultimately, I left feeling unprepared for graduate school (although I had been advised that most audiology undergraduate students feel that way).
On the upside, I enjoyed most of my professors (and most of my classes, since I was primarily in major-related courses). I had a couple first-timers who ate the dust but I also had a few professors I fell in love with and really grew close to. That is all up to you, though; if you want to know your professors, you have to make an effort. I can't speak to general-ed type classes or the campus in Pocatello because I went to the Meridian campus and transferred in as a Junior. I would not recommend for or against ISU, just that you make your decision with an open mind and a grain of salt.
College takes approx. 4 years to prepare for a working life os 45-50 years. Applying your self for 4 years to have a more secure and successful working life only makes sense.
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