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Dillard University

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Dillard is not what it used to beQuite BrightBiology
Dillard is not what it used to be and as a HBCU they should be ashamed of what this university has become. I am entering my junior year I transferred in Fall 2017 from a JC back at home. I thought that most of my credits that I had earned at a JC would transfer, barely half of my credits did so they had me as a first semester sophomore instead of an incoming junior. Tuition is really expensive and I feel like for the price that most students pay we should be getting more from the university. Dillard's President, Dr. Kimbrough is a horrible president. He does not care about the students well being all he cares about is making Dillard looking appealing to visitors and potential students. Also, he talks down on most of the students as well especially on social media. Most of the faculty do not care about the students especially the staff that works in Residential Life (they're the absolute worst and disorganized), Business and Finance, and financial aid. Those three departments will give you the run around.

Living on campus - I stayed in a dorm last year and hated it only because the dormitory they put me looked like a jail. Seriously. I had black mold in my room and my sink stopped working I emailed residential life and it took them nearly a month to get back to me I CC Dr. Kimbrough to see if he could handle the situation but he basically told me theres nothing he can do. There's another part of campus where they have housing called "the gardens" It looks like government housing and I have had a few of my friends stay there and they hated it because, they dealt with roach infestation and rats. By the time spring semester came I had moved into my own apartment off campus.

I don't feel challenged at all by the course work. I chose my major because it's hands on and keeps me busy. But so far I feel like I haven't learned anything or am I being challenged. Most of the stuff these professors teach I learned in middle school and high school already. Some professors expect you to kiss their ass to get a good grade though. But other than that it's not hard to obtain a 2.5 or higher GPA.If you are a incoming freshman or transfer student please do your research and talk to some students who currently attend Dillard or who have recently graduated (class of 2015-2018). A lot of students who are incoming freshman or transfer students always end up transferring or dropping out after the first semester or the first year mainly because Dillard sells you a dream so they can take your money and once you realize its not what you thought it would be, they'll make your life a living hell if you try to leave. also...if you do decide to transfer most of your credits will not transfer to the institute you're planning on transferring to you'll probably have to repeat that whole year again.

2nd Year Female -- Class 1921
Surrounding City: A, Faculty Accessibility: F
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I loathe Dillard.Quite BrightBusiness - Management and Administration
I loathe Dillard. I have said many times the school work is not the hard part. The hard part is dealing with the administrative staff. They almost seem to be a cult. A cult of incompetent people dressed in shiny suits and expensive blouses. To me, they are more show than action. They commonly say "were family" but the faulty talks about the students in a horrible way. The financial aid office takes weeks linger than surrounding school to disburse aid even though they only have 1,200 students. Imyoy are seen as alroblem child if you advocate for yourself. The people running Dillard are leading the school to destruction. It is truly sad to see an HBCU behaving this way.
1st Year Female -- Class 2018
Surrounding City: A+, Education Quality: F
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Dillard University is not at all what IQuite BrightCriminal
Dillard University is not at all what I expected it to be. Having taken AP/Honors courses throughout the majority of my primary education, I can honestly say, middle school presented more of an academic challenge than Dillard does. I'm highly unappreciative of the lack of communication and professionalism at this school, and if given the chance, I would definitely transfer. Being that I am a 3rd year student, it is nearly impossible to transfer without having some credits dropped, meaning I'd have to repeat my sophomore year if I decided to do so. With that in mind, I've decided to complete my college education here, but choosing to attend Dillard was by the worst decision I've ever made. New Orleans itself was definitely a culture shock for me considering the fact that I'm from out of state, but being surrounded by so many people who don't care about their education baffles me. The staff and faculty members are extremely unprofessional and rude, and the majority of the professors I've had seem to not understand that they're teaching at a higher level, and so they don't hold students accountable for any of their actions. I've had professors who walk into class at least 10 minutes late EVERY class period and think nothing of it. Time is money, and if I spend my good $29,000 each year, I shouldn't be wasting time wondering where my professor is because he doesn't seem to think that his job is important enough to arrive on time. Financial Aid and Business and Finance are two of the most difficult departments to get a hold of during any time of the year, considering the fact that they rarely answer the phone, and aren't in their offices during their "posted" office hours. The same applies to some of the professors. There have been days I've spent hunting down professors because they weren't in their offices when they should've been. The lack of efficient communication irks me to no end. For instance, professors will just not show up to class with no notice prior to, and won't think twice about it at all. The type of people I'm surrounded by at Dillard has caused me to not even want to interact with any of them at all, and as a result, I've been isolated for the majority of the time I've spent there. Of course there are campus organizations and activities, but they get old after a while, especially when the lack of creativity is apparent. Anything I've learned came from self-determination because sitting in any classes at Dillard has been a challenge. There are students who think they're going to be engineers but will proudly tell you they don't care that they're failing basic chemistry. It is a complete mess. Residential life is horrible. Any issues I've had with my dorm or roommates weren't resolved in timely matters, and were often disregarded by the residential life coordinators. Considering that Dillard is a very small campus, it would be wise to keep your business of any kind to yourself because rumors, true and untrue spread like wildfire. Should you decide to attend this school, I wish you the best of luck. You'll need it.
2nd Year Female -- Class 2016
Friendliness: B, Education Quality: F
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