Listing of all Universities in Montana
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Alamon Telco-Alamon Telephone Training Center (Kalispell)
Dahls College of Beauty (Great Falls)
Education America - Billings (Billings)
Montana University System-System Office (Helena)
Yellowstone Baptist College (Billings)
Aaniiih Nakoda College (Harlem)
Academy of Cosmetology (Bozeman)
Bitterroot School of Cosmetology (Hamilton)
Blackfeet Community College (Browning)
Bold Beauty Academy (Billings)
Butte Academy of Beauty Culture (Butte)
Carroll College (Helena)
Chief Dull Knife College (Lame Deer)
Crevier's School of Cosmetology (Kalispell)
Dawson Community College (Glendive)
Flathead Valley Community College (Kalispell)
Fort Peck Community College (Poplar)
Great Falls College Montana State University (Great Falls)
Health Works Institute (Bozeman)
Helena College University of Montana (Helena)
Highlands College of Montana Tech (Butte)
Little Big Horn College (Crow Agency)
Miles Community College (Miles City)
Modern Beauty School (Missoula)
Montana Bible College (Bozeman)
Montana State University (Bozeman)
Montana Tech of the University of Montana (Butte)
Rocky Mountain College (Billings)
Salish Kootenai College (Pablo)
Salon Professional Academy - Great Falls (Great Falls)
Stone Child College (Box Elder)
University of Great Falls (Great Falls)
University of Montana (Missoula)