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University Buffalo

Total Grad Surveys 13
Females 7
Males 6
Avg years at University 2.5
Research Quality B+ (7.3)
Research Availability B+ (7.7)
Research Funding B (7.3)
Graduate Politics A- (8.2)
Not Errand Runners B+ (7.9)
Degree Completion A- (8.4)
Alternative pay [ta/gsi] B+ (8.1)
Sufficient Pay B+ (7.9)
Competitiveness B (6.7)
Education Quality B+ (7.5)
Faculty Accessibility B- (6.2)
Useful Research B+ (7.6)
"Individual" treatment B (6.8)
Friendliness B (6.8)
Safety B+ (8.1)
Campus Beauty C+ (5.6)
Campus Maintenance B+ (7.5)
University Spending B+ (7.8)
Extracurriculars A- (8.1)
Scholastic Success B- (6.5)
Surrounding City B+ (7.8)
Social Life/ Environment A- (8.1)
Campus BeautyC+
Degree CompletionA-
I guess you get what you pay forDec 01 2015Other
I guess you get what you pay for when it comes to college/grad school. I've been here for over 5 years in the combined degree program for OT. The program itself is a hot mess-go somewhere else if you're interested in OT. I was attracted to UB for its research facilities and seemingly good clinical affiliations. The program is underfunded by UB and understaffed. Most of the faculty is hypocritical and take out their overworked state of misery on the students. They assign endless group projects because they are too lazy to grade papers the lazy students coast through the program on your hard work.

The university as a whole, both undergraduate and graduate, is what you'd expect of a public school (the decent and the bad). Administrators are incompetent and rude, bus drivers do whatever they want, and both campuses could use a total facelift (or seven). Campus is always dirty and overcrowded, especially North. Dorms don't get cleaned all that often, especially on weekends. Used condoms can be found in random spots. Water fountain filter lights are constantly yellow or red, which is gross. Food isn't good unless you go to the chains on campus i.e. Moe's, Au Bon Pain, and Starbucks, but those get old really quickly.

The university prides itself on accepting tons of students, but they neglect to add new resources, space, or faculty to accommodate the growing number of people. Since I started as a freshman, everything gets dirtier and more cramped year by year. Parking spaces are impossible to find, meanwhile there are random stretches of ugly land that could easily be converted to parking lots or garages. UB police love to collect ticket money for illegally parking when you're 20 minutes late to class after circling the lots 50 times though.

Also, if you make the poor decision to go here, stay on top of your tuition bill. I've been incorrectly charged for things, like health insurance, multiple times. But contacting the school to get your own money back is an absolute nightmare. On top of that, you will get calls from the alumni association before you even graduate asking you for donation money. I DON'T THINK SO.

Campus nightlife is a bore as well. Local bars got shut down for serving minors, and the crime rate is high. Greek life is a joke. Area around North Campus is safe but there is nothing to do other than stuff your face at chain restaurants. Area around South Campus is the hood and you may well be the victim of violent crime within your first semester here. Buffalo itself is an abysmally miserable city with miserable weather and miserable people. Even the "nice" parts of the city further from UB are crawling with criminals and homeless people. UB's OT program only has affiliations with hospitals and rehabs in Western NY for the most part, so if you don't want to stay and work around here you're better off at a school somewhere nicer/with higher wages. I would've transferred years ago but for the comfort of staying in the same school for grad and the fact that the program doesn't make you take the GREs. Can't wait to graduate though. Spend your money somewhere else.

This university only cares about making money! TheyOct 10 2013Unknown
This university only cares about making money! They do not care about their students at all. Their fees are outrageous compared to other (larger and smaller) universities. The university in general does not understand the concept of having to work through school and only provides classes at times which do not condone having a full time day job, only a night and weekend job. I would not recommend to anyone that they go here!
I missed this UniversityMar 21 2012Education
I missed this University. I need to see the names of the graduating PHD stdents ( SEP 1980 )in Education and instructional design in Research evaluation under the supervision of Prof. Taher Razeq.

please send me the list with addreses to communicate

I was an online learner who did notJun 17 2011Unknown
I was an online learner who did not complete my degree. Transferred out to another SUNY institution. Couldn't take it anymore. At the graduate level, pompous idiots for teachers and TA's who screwed up everything in the awful Blackboard learning environment. Tech support is a joke. Financial Aid Office, begging to get things and get things fixed with regard to your accounts was a joke too. They regurgitate the Syllabai from one semester to the next and often it is not in line with the class you are currently taking. Most of the time you had to beg for clarification on some aspect of the syllabai. Snooty professors with initials behind their names mean nothing to me because no one knows everything.

Students mostly from other areas of upstate New York are snooty and playing a game of "oh forget about it." Not really learning anything and "following along." Missing and reappearing students each semester makes one wonder what the hell they are doing. When looking at course descriptions no credit hours are noted before you enter the program or after. This is so they can make up the credit hours they want to charge you at a whim. The online learning community is not inclusive of the overall student body and it should be. It is currently treated as an "extension" of the school. The "new" online program is supposed to be exactly like the campus based one but it is NOT. 4 days to learn new material and then on to the next. The degree itself is an admirable one, but the actual field encroaches on other fields of study for which individuals have worked hard to get their degrees in. That is morally wrong to me. The licensing body for this career is questionable as well. Will be writing them too.Fees that did not apply to me were charged, but returned. The course. I'M SO HAPPY I'M LEAVING. The school made me ill. HONESTLY it caused me so much stress that I spent more time asking questions than studying.

MS MIS program is quite biased due toMay 16 2010School of Information
MS MIS program is quite biased due to the fact that 99% of its students and faculty populations are dominated by a specific race. One particular professor is especially helpful to his own people. If you have better option, I would strongly recommend you consider more options before making a decision to come to UB for its MS-MIS program
While there are some incredibly caring and helpfulSep 18 2008Fine Arts - Painting/Sculpture/Photography/etc
While there are some incredibly caring and helpful faculty members, the majority are extremely self-absorbed. Personal agendas are pushed on students, and if you don't buy into certain faculty members' ideology, you are subjected to constant verbal abuse and humiliation. Ironically, these particular people who are so intolerant have sadly out-dated modes of thought and working. The isolated university environment has allowed them to develop an arrogance along with a delusional sense of grandeur.

I feel very sad for the undergraduate students who come in with talent, and leave completely unprepared to work as artists. They are not taught craft, formal skills, critical thinking skills, or how to prepare professional practice materials for approaching galleries or grad schools. Luckily, I attended a fantastic school for my undergraduate degree, so I know that not all artists are as unhelpful, arrogant and backwards as the faculty here.The offer of a teaching assistantship is what seduced me into coming here. Beware - being a TA in the Visual Studies department does not actually mean that you are assisting anyone - you will be running your own course on your own. This is both good and bad. I was able to develop my own teaching philosophy, put it into practice, and had a lot of fun with my students - the experience has been very valuable. However, it comes at the cost of losing much time for your own work. One other thing - be prepared to be very poor.

Do not attend thisJun 04 2004Architecture & Urban Planning Department
Do not attend this school - I received my MUP little assistance from existing faculty - I would not attend this university if given a choice
I wouldn't recommend this university to my worstJan 22 2002Architecture & Urban Planning Department
I wouldn't recommend this university to my worst enemy. Maybe it's just my department but my conversations with other students tell me otherwise. Professors are completely wrapped up in their research but the problem is, their research is hardly scholarly and very rarely seen as progressive or field-leading. Getting anything done within the system is nearly impossible. The academic standards are dropping, as is the overall outside view of the school. Look around before you consider this university. It consistantly ranks near or at the bottom in student happiness. The administration is only concerned with getting students in, but once your in, your treated as a number and the school is only concerned with getting your tuition. Promises are made when you accept the offer to attend but those promises are rarely, if ever met. Take a look at the amount of alumni giving. It's a joke. I have four close friends in the department who have flatly laughed at the prospect of giving money to UB. They all have and continue to give to their undergraduate school but will never give a nickel to UB. Me either.

Lastly, and what concerns me most is the lack of professionalism displayed by professors in the planning department. They have very little time to deal with students. Their office hours are non-existant, they spend all their time conducting useless research, of which no student is privy too. Ask any planning student what the research topics are that their professors are working on? No one knows! This university puts too much pressure to publish on professors and it is killing the academic standards of a once decent school. What is the point of having professors that are so-called scholars when they are basically unavailable to students.

Put it this way, do you want to go to a university that prides itself on a multi-year study on the trajectory and spin of a football when throw by right and left handed people? Believe it. They had it on their website's home page. My question is "How does that help students?" And better yet, "Who cares." The school obviously spend thousands of dollars on this useless research and for some reason finds it scholarly. And this all happening at a time when school budgets are slashed and libraries are suffering. Whatever you do, find a better school than this. They are out there and you may not know it, but you'll be happy you did.

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