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West Virginia University

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I have benefited so much in WVU's voiceQuite BrightMusic - Performance
I have benefited so much in WVU's voice program. I was such a scared freshman when I started but now I have so much more confidence, mostly due to a new teacher, and have progressed so much over my four years at this school. You get so much attention and so many performance opportunities in WVU's voice department for such a great price. Could transportation be better? Yes. Could certain facilities be attended to more frequently? Yes, but the vocal education and strides I've made here are so worth it because of our spectacular voice teachers who care so much about us and allowed me to be very creative with including certain non-standard classical works on recitals. I truly believe WVU was the best choice for me for my undergraduate music education.
1st Year Female -- Class 2017
Innovation: A+, Useful Schoolwork: F
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First off, I'm an Accounting major, not anBrightAccounting
First off, I'm an Accounting major, not an English major so don't bust me for grammatical/spelling errors or run on sentences...

This is a pretty great school for the low tuition. I never had any problems with the faculty or advisors like some of the comments I read. Although, I was directly admitted into the business college and placed in honors courses with an honors advisor. I found the professors and coursework in my major pretty challenging but all of the GECs were a joke.

The school spirit and sporting events were awesome! So much energy and all around great atmosphere. No complaints here.

The social/night life aspect of the school can be a bit of a double edge sword. It can be extremely fun and help you unwind after a stressful finals week but can get really annoying/distracting if you are trying to focus on schoolwork. It takes real discipline and self-control which most 18-20 year olds lack. If you are not into the party scene, I highly recommend living away from the downtown/sunnyside area. Better off just commuting from Evansdale area.

The campus and surrounding area is absolutely beautiful, especially in the fall. If you end up going here, make sure you take the time to visit Cooper's Rock and Blue Hole.

Towards the end of my years there, I was ready to leave though. I moved across the country to a large city almost immediately after graduation. I think the only reason I might have gone to a different school is just because I am more of a city person. Morgantown is a pretty small town so it doesn't take very long to explore and see everything. For WV though, it is the best school and the best city in my honest opinion. Let's go Mountaineers!!! Keep those gold medals coming!

4th Year Male -- Class 2013
Campus Aesthetics: A+, Scholastic Success: B
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I am a sophomore premed Bio major fromQuite BrightBiology
I am a sophomore premed Bio major from WV, and I really do love WVU. I know that's a cliche since most West Virginians were taught to love the Mountaineers at birth, but it really is a pretty great place. The Bio department is particularly attentive to its students, and most professors are always trying to make themselves available to help you. The Physics department is pretty bad and the Chem department is okay (though the organic professors are great.) I'm uncertain about the other departments. WVU isn't a name brand university and often gets a bad rep for being a party school, so the university really goes above and beyond in trying to help their serious students succeed (i.e. The pre-health office, which only has one job: getting people in to dental, pharmacy, PT, PA, and med school.) There are a lot of research oppurtunities as well, though thankfully the lecturers are not researchers. :) Greek life is big, but it's not a big deal if you're not involved in it. You can party hard or be a serious ball-busting student at WVU.
2nd Year Female -- Class 2018
Education Quality: A+, University Resource Use/ spending: C
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