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Occidental College

19 Alums took the salary survey

Occidental Alumni Salary over Time

Occidental College Salary over time
Occidental Salaries
Occidental Careers

Occidental Salaries

$39,475Starting Annual Salary
$119,23110 Year Annual Salary

Said that Occidental contributed

26.32%75-100% to their career success
26.32%50-75% to their career success
15.79%25-50% to their career success
31.58%0-25% to their career success

Had the employment status

15.79%Self Employed
15.79%Top Management
52.63%White Collar workers
0.00%Pink Collar workers
0.00%Blue Collar workers
0.00%Entry Level employees

Life Satisfaction

84.21%Are satisfied with their current job.
78.95%Said things are generally going well.
36.84%Are still in the field they majored in in college.

Reputation & Preparedness

Help from Reputation6.1
Preparedness for Real world6.9
Most Frequently mentioned Graduate Jobs
Professor (9), At (9), Of (6), University (6), Assistant (5),
% went on to Graduate or Professional Ed.
... If you are looking for a college that offers a major that connects directly to a career path(engineering, Pre-law, Communications/marketing), th...Read full comment
... Pros: The Senior Comp project, if fully taken advantage of, should provide you with a real accomplishment that you can tout to potential em...Read full comment
... The career center is not putting any effort on trying to get companies to recruit people on campus ...Read full comment
... are self absorbed and are only interested in furthering their careers because they went to prestigious schools to get their Ph'ds (Oxy's econ dep...Read full comment
... You are also matched up with an academic advisor during Orientation - a professor in your estimated major (whom you may change if you change majo...Read full comment
Occidental College
Occidental College
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StudentsReview Advice!

• What is a good school?
• Statistical Significance
• How to choose a Major
• How to choose your Career
• What you make of it?
• How Ivy League Admissions works
• On the Student/Faculty Ratio

• FAFSA: Who is a Parent?
• FAFSA: Parent Contribution
• FAFSA: Dream out of reach

• College Financial Planning
• Survive College and Graduate
• Sniffing Out Commuter Schools
• Preparing for College: A HS Roadmap
• Talking to Your Parents about College.
• Is a top college worth it?
• Why is college hard?
• Why Kids Aren't Happy in Traditional Schools
• Essential College Tips
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• Cost of College Increasing Faster Than Inflation
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• For parents filling out the FAFSA and PROFILE (from a veteran paper slinger)
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• How to choose the right college?
My name is Esteban Correa. I am currently a second year INTERNATIONAL ... more→
• Create The Right Career Habits Now
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• Senior Year (Tips and experience)
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• Informational Overload! What Should I Look For in a College or University?
We are in an instant information age, where you can find almost anythi... more→
• Personality Type and College Choice
Personality type is something very important to consider when deciding... more→
• A Free Application is a Good Application
As a senior finishing her scholastic year, I feel that it is my duty ... more→

• College Academic Survival Guide
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• Getting Involved: The Key to College Happiness
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• The Purpose of a Higher Education
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• Starting College (General College Advice)
College is a huge milestone in your life. You?ve seen the castle like ... more→
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When thinking about their choices for colleges, many students and pare... more→