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What is Chemistry & Physics Really?

By Leeel01

In theory what is it?

I'm not exactly sure what the heck this question is asking, but, I suppose I'll just answer by saying that the theories of my majors are to provide students with an understanding of how the universe works both macro- and microscopically. In my classes, we've primarily focused on observing how systems (particularly chemical) work, form, etc. through an examination of quantum mechanics.

What is it used for?

It seems like almost all of my fellow majors either go directly into graduate school. However, those who don't, become teachers or researchers in various government labs.

What does the major actually entail - work-wise?

Hahaha… my majors.. well, they are a LOT of work. They're great fun, but a lot of work. Chemistry, for the most part, isn't too bad if you keep up with the work. Everyone always hears these horror stories about organic or p.chem, but I really haven't encountered any problems with these subjects, b/c of the profs. Our profs are always around to answer questions, so there really is no excuse for not understanding, etc. Physics is much the same in that the profs are always around. One thing about our science programs is that the departments are really focusing on experimentation and journal writing. Needless to say, I've done quite a few experiments this year and have written more journal articles than I ever thought possible in a year's time.

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Chemistry Major unemployment rate

_ChemistryAll Majors
Minimum Wage%5%4
All Others%90%86
More: Unemployment for all Majors *** not counting stay at home parents *** not counting those currently in grad school

Are things going well in Chemistry?

Going Well%84
Not Going Well%16
More: All Majors Satisfaction ??? This is a social "life satisfaction" question. Overall, would people who graduated with a degree in Chemistry say that their life is going well? It could be interpreted in terms of stress, salary, long hours, future prospects, etc. *** not counting those currently in grad school

Graduates who stayed in Chemistry

Still in Field%64
Got out%36
More: All Majors Still in field ??? A high "got out" percentage can be interpreted a couple of ways -- for instance, perhaps the major is a great stepping stone to becoming a totally different career -- like a doctor. Or perhaps the jobs one gets with the major just aren't that great. *** not counting those currently in grad school
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