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Ball State University

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Undergraduate/Surveys Related to the Medical School

I graduated from BSU in 1987 with aQuite BrightNursing
I graduated from BSU in 1987 with a BSN degree. In 2014, I decided to return to obtain a MSN degree. Initially, I contacted BSU to apply to the NP school and completed all the necessary paperwork as well as paying the $50 non-refundable admission fee. I received my denial letter of admission the day after I put my check in the mail. Needless to say, this transaction was handled with complete deceit on the part of the university/nursing department. I attempted to contact admissions as well as the department of nursing to resolve my feelings of deceit but each person I talked with just continued to pass me to someone else. After many failed attempts, I gave up. I applied to another university and received transparent communication that any educated professional would appreciate. I am happy to conclude that I earned my MSN degree from Anderson University in August, 2017. As for BSU, I removed my name from the Alumni. Lastly, I proudly sent my high school graduate to IU Bloomington.
Alumna Female -- Class 2000
Preparedness: B+
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I would Choose a different University.Quite BrightPreMed and Medical
I would Choose a different University. Education Redefined is a joke at best. The city surrounding Ball State Muncie is crime ridden. Ball State makes light of the armed robberies on/gently off campus, their police system here is a joke. Really here for writing tickets and cracking down on students attempting to have some weekend fun. They won't go off campus to help a student in need, but sure as shit will go off campus to bust parties and write citations.

Back to the more important part education. Ball State University has some of the most under paid professors in the state and it shows. It is a shame that the University president was given about a 1mm (million) dollar bonus last year. I guess I am spoiled with having attended other universities in Indiana. Ball State degrees are laughed at by many businesses. Don't expect a good paying job with a Ball State degree.

Their Pre-Professional degree is a joke. I can tell you now that their program will not prepare you for the MCATs. Even if you were a 4.0 student good luck getting into med school with a Ball State degree. The program is a mixture of in class lectures and a bunch of online homework and tests. They try to hard to push the tech aspect of using email and online shit, but if you have problems using or have a question about online work for your in person class hang it up.

Their tutoring program for the sciences is a joke the tutors or GA's barely have a clue about what they are attempting to help you with and their best friend is Google to answer your questions. (as if I couldn't do that myself)

Their freshman advisors are a joke, they will screw up your schedule and put you in classes you don't need or the wrong ones. Demand to meet your actual advisor for your major to review your schedule to make sure that you are not signed up for the wrong classes or classes you don't need.

Mand. Class BS:

Ball State has some seriously BS class requirements for your degree, such as the PE aspect you can choose walking, running, swimming coupled with a BS lecture section of the course. The BS lecture section of what they call a PFW class is basically a High School Health course derailed. I am not sorry for saying this but if you do not know that if you have unprotected sex you could get preg. or catch an STD you don't belong in college. Second if you don't know what foods are healthy for you and not guess what you don't belong in college. If you don't know that you probably should exercise on the regular (even if you choose not to) you probably don't belong in college. The Lecture portion of that class was a joke and full of miss information. Why such a course is required of adults to get a degree I will never know. They probably should teach students something useful like archery or marksmanship or something instead.

Social Weekend Aspect:

Ball State students like to boast that they attend a wild party school. Well this is wrong. IU, Purdue, Depauw, ND have much better parties that are less likely to be "busted" by the police. The party's at Ball State are lame house parties for the most part. A bunch of BYOB events, or students operating illegal bars AKA charging per drink just like a bar would. The parties start around 10pm and run dry by 12 if your are lucky around 1 am. Almost no party really lasts past 2am at ball state. Just FYI. So don't expect some wild fun like you would see in the movies it just does not happen at Ball State.

Don't expect much from Ball State sports, but know that if you attend full time you will be paying about 400 in hidden fees to pay for your "free" admissions to all athletic events. Remember almost all the students playing any sport including running are here on a full ride scholarship free food, free room, free books, free upscale tutors, and they even get paid money on top of that.

Okay back to the science's department. There is nothing cutting edge or top notch about ball state science department. The majority of the equipment ball state uses in the sciences building is severely outdated equipment that if you were wanting to work in a lab, chances are if you were to work in a 3rd world country lab the equipment in that lab would be more current than Ball States equipment. Half the time at ball state the outdated Tech in the Sciences building do not work properly.

You think you will be doing something new in labs with a new course, but in reality you will be doing pretty much the same useless labs over and over again.

Don't waste your time or money at Ball State if you are wanting a science degree. The truth is that College is a piece of paper to help you open up your first doors to a career. Ball State's piece of paper won't open any real doors in a field that you have your heart set on. It might open the doors if you want to flip hamburgers for a living, but hey who goes to college for that?

2nd Year Male -- Class 2016
Preparedness: B+
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