Survey for Current Graduate Students of
Madison Area Technical College
Some Quick Demographics
Please be honest & objective :
all "A+'s" do not provide useful information
Graduate Questions
· Your Department
Students entering the PhD program leave with a PhD -- not a Masters degree.
Your Graduate school actually about the science of research -- not bogged down with irrelevant politics.
Research Quality
The research that takes place in your Graduate school is of Nobel prize quality -- not
Mad scientist quality.
Project Involvement
It is easy to get involved in research projects
There is sufficient funding for your research.
Work Focus
You are able to focus on completing your thesis -- you are not a lapdog, constantly running errands.
Work Level
You are working hard for an attainable goal (PhD) and completion date -- not just floating with no forseeable time of completion.
Payment method
Alternative payment program such as Teaching Assistanceships are readily available and easy to get involved in.
Payment Sufficiency
Compared to the cost of living, the alternative compensation programs (TA, etc) provide you sufficient resources to live off of.
Everyone in your field works together for common understanding and progress.
Quality of Courses
Your education at this University (thus far) has been worth your time and money.
Faculty Accessibility
Thesis faculty is available & helpful to you -- not absorbed into personal research.
In the large scheme of things, your research is actually useful.
· The University
Individual Value
This University treats you as a person, not just as a number in the factory.
This bunch is one friendly crew.
Perceived Campus Safety
You feel safe both day and night.
Campus Aesthetics
This University is beautifully planned with abounding trees and flowers -- not haphazardly placed concrete.
Campus Maintenance
Windows are fixed, bathrooms kept in order, recreational facilities maintained -- nothing is in a 'falling apart' condition.
University Resource Use
University resources provide opportunities for students, through facilities and programs, to learn and grow -- instead of being spent on 'proUniversity' propaganda.
· Social / Interactive
Extracurricular Activities
Extracurriculars (sports, clubs, student groups, etc ) are easy to get involved with -- not exclusive or of low quality.
Scholastic Success
Scholastic success (exams, homework, projects, etc.) is dependent upon understanding -- not 'random' or dependent upon being able to 'work the system'.
Surrounding City
There are many things to do in your city -- not a small, isolated campus with no night life.
Social Life
There is a great social life and atmosphere, party every night.
Students are:
Faculty are:
Broken Spirit
Given the chance to go somewhere else, would you
go to this University again?
· Comments
Please provide a little background, then
Comment on anything else about your University that people should know
Please Be Candid. --Thanks.
Please do not comment on other students' reviews. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, and has had their own experiences.
Type of comment:
Your University email address : (to protect us)
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