StudentsReview :: Undergraduate Survey for Dillard
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Survey for Current Undergraduates of Dillard University

        Some Quick Demographics
Select Your University
Dillard University
Select Your Department or Major
Your Test Scores (Leave blank if not taken.)
ACT      SAT  
Rate Yourself
Just be honest about what you think of yourself -- don't try to be modest.
Years (completed) at this University
(Expected) Year Of Graduation
Please select your Gender.
You are an:
Please be honest & objective : all "A+'s" do not provide useful information
        Undergraduate Survey
· Your Department
Friendliness People in department are friendly, warm, and approachable.
Competitiveness Everyone in your field works together for common understanding and progress; grades are secondary -- not cut-throat for every last point.
Faculty Accessibility Teaching faculty is available & helpful -- not absorbed into personal research, or avoidant.
Creativity Your department environment fosters creativity and innovation.
Busywork The school work you do provides applicable experience & education -- not simply busywork.
Scholastic Success Scholastic success (exams, homework, projects, etc.) is dependent upon understanding -- not 'random' or dependent upon being able to 'work the system'.
Quality of Program (Major) Your major & education at this University has been worth your time and money.
· The University
Perceived Campus Safety You feel safe both day and night.
University Resource Use University resources provide opportunities for students, through facilities and programs, to learn and grow -- instead of being spent on 'proUniversity' propaganda.
Campus Aesthetics This University is beautifully planned with abounding trees and flowers -- not haphazardly placed concrete.
Campus Maintenance Windows are fixed, bathrooms kept in order, lights replaced -- nothing is in a 'falling apart' condition.
· Social / Interactive
Individual Value This University treats you as a person, not just as a number in the factory.
Social Life There is a great social life and atmosphere, fun things to do every day & night.
Extracurricular Activities Extracurriculars (sports, clubs, student groups, etc ) are easy to get involved with -- not exclusive or of low quality.
Surrounding City There are many things to do in your city -- not a small, isolated campus with no day or night life.
Students are:Faculty are:
Students Are
Broken Spirit
Faculty Are
How challenging is the course work to you?
How much did you expect to be challenged in your course work?
What % of the Faculty (Prof/TA/GSI) did not speak English to your satisfaction?
Given the chance to go to a different University, would you? (Disregarding friends)
· Comments (Almost done)
Please provide some background, then
what is good or bad about your school?
Is there anything people should know about before deciding to attend?
Any Advice? Please Be Candid.

Please do not "reply" to other reviews.
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, and has had their own experiences.

Type of comment:NegativePositiveNeutralAdvice
        Comments about getting in...
What did you do to get into your university?
& What do you recommend other students do to get in? (assuming they want to go)
(optional) Your University email address :     ?
(to protect us) & for hs students to contact, and to verify review authenticity
Is it alright if HS students contact you for your advice and viewpoints?
Leave this field blank

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