StudentsReview - The Southwestern Assemblies of God University - Life at SAGU Copyright 2024 StudentsReview, Ecliptical Technologies, Inc. Life at SAGU - Comments en StudentsReview: Positive Review about SAGU for Education I first heard about SAGU through my younger sister who attended on campus (I did online coursework). She spoke about SAGU highly in my opinion. Her professors cared about how ill she felt and her room... Thu, 30 May 2019 11:01:04 GMT StudentsReview 1345-184996 1345-184996 1345 15 Education Female Undergraduate Class 1923 1st Year Positive I first heard about SAGU through my younger sister who attended on campus (I did online coursework). She spoke about SAGU highly in my opinion. Her professors cared about how ill she felt and her roommate was nurturing toward her and I wanted to put it out there that her description of her experience was nurturing. It sounded LOVELY to me. She left because they didnt have a biology program.

I attended online at 29 because I hadnt completed my degree yet. Ive attended BPCC & NSULA online and SAGU shines in comparison with their coursework. I felt ENGAGED. Most notably in the fine arts class but the feedback and experience i had in English was nice as well.

I honestly liked it all and whats more is that i received news about teaching opportunities through my student email-which honestly encouraged me to attend SAGU in person. I hope they have a fine arts degree someday. SAGU would be my top choice.
Thu, 30 May 2019 11:01:04 GMT
StudentsReview: Positive Review about SAGU for Education SAGU is what you put into it. I tend to be lazy, so I have to say that I learned less because of that; however, the professors are amazing. I could go on and on about their intelligence and knowledg... Sat, 17 May 2014 01:16:51 GMT StudentsReview 1345-108580 1345-108580 1345 15 Education Female Undergraduate Alumna Class 2000 Positive SAGU is what you put into it. I tend to be lazy, so I have to say that I learned less because of that; however, the professors are amazing. I could go on and on about their intelligence and knowledge, but to me, what set them apart from other university professors, was their love for us students. We weren't just bodies in front of them, they loved each and every one of us. They prayed for us, we were constantly thought of, and cared for. I was blessed enough to make amazing - life long memories with professors that cared about my spiritual life as much as they did my future career choice. I would recommend SAGU to everyone who loves God, and wants God to be their center in whatever field of study they choose. I work at a public school, and my prof's taught me how to make it my ministry. Sat, 17 May 2014 01:16:51 GMT StudentsReview: Negative Review about SAGU for Psychology This University it the first one I have ever attended...the first day I got there it wasn't but 2 hours later and i was ready to go home. Very boring, and students are not very approachable and most s... Tue, 14 Jan 2014 08:46:21 GMT StudentsReview 1345-100126 1345-100126 1345 38 Psychology Male Undergraduate Class 2016 1st Year Negative This University it the first one I have ever attended...the first day I got there it wasn't but 2 hours later and i was ready to go home. Very boring, and students are not very approachable and most students have their "little groups" and are not very accepting of others. Tue, 14 Jan 2014 08:46:21 GMT StudentsReview: Neutral Review about SAGU for Accounting There are a lot of churches through out this wonderful state and you don't even get charged tuition to attend these. Students should be here to learn skills that would help prepare them for a good car... Sat, 08 Oct 2011 01:56:42 GMT StudentsReview 1345-81678 1345-81678 1345 1 Accounting Male Undergraduate Class 2000 Neutral There are a lot of churches through out this wonderful state and you don't even get charged tuition to attend these. Students should be here to learn skills that would help prepare them for a good career. I feel that some of the people in charge play favorites and only like you if you are doing errands and working for them for free. Like providing free baby sitting to their younger kids. All in all I think this school is for people that can not think on their own. There is almost a sense of mind control going on here. They want you to think that they care about you when in fact they really care about your $. They treat us like we are kids. I that the experiences here are very limited and do not represent the real world at all. I do not think students are being prepared to deal with life outside of SAGU. Eyes are opening and God is revealing the truth about SAGU to me more and more all the time. I am thankful for my relationship with God and NO tuition to SAGU has NOTHING to do with this. Sat, 08 Oct 2011 01:56:42 GMT StudentsReview: Negative Review about SAGU for Psychology Many of the departments leave students unprepared for further education or a job in their field. Some of my friends who studied business or accounting had trouble at their first jobs because they lack... Thu, 05 May 2011 01:41:27 GMT StudentsReview 1345-76939 1345-76939 1345 38 Psychology Female Undergraduate Class 2007 4th Year Negative Many of the departments leave students unprepared for further education or a job in their field. Some of my friends who studied business or accounting had trouble at their first jobs because they lacked the remedial skills that are expected of college graduates. With a degree in psychology, one might be prepared for working in a low paying job where they interact with people, but they will not be prepared for the rigors of graduate school (which is required in order to do anything in the field of psychology). There are no research opportunities at SAGU, which makes hopes of being accepted into a graduate program slim. All in all, if one hopes to have a well paying career, SAGU is not the place to go. Now, if you would like to be a A/G minister, by all means, attend! Again, if you have any desire to have a career or be able support your family, apply to a state school. Thu, 05 May 2011 01:41:27 GMT