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The University of Chicago

Breakdown of “Social Life” at UChicago

By Gender
By Major
Aerospace EngineeringF
Fine Arts - Painting/Sculpture/Photography/etcB+
History/Histories (art history/etc.)C+
Language - French/Spanish/etc.D+
Perfomance ArtsA
Political ScienceB-
PreLaw and LegalA
PreMed and MedicalB-
Public PolicyB-

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Social Life

... Socially, the U of C is not the place to go if your dream in life is to be a sorority sister/frat brother at a campus with a bustling greek li...Read full comment
... 7+) but I started to get many more B's my second year because I was very frustrated/a social misfit ...Read full comment
... The social scene is tight-knit, but with enough different pockets to find a new crowd if necessary ...Read full comment
... Although I made the dean's list during my second year; I was miserable, sleep-deprived, and socially isolated the entire time ...Read full comment
... The University of Chicago is so often characterized as a social and academic wasteland, filled with students who weren't bright enough and didn't ...Read full comment
... Also, contrary to popular myth, "The University's" social life was diverse and quite lively ...Read full comment
... I'm going to divide my comments into three areas: academic, social, and "university" (including safety and location): Academic: The academics ...Read full comment
... When I decided to come to this school, I was aware of the University's reputation for having a bad social life ...Read full comment
... Socially, the place is a dead-zone, however there are some 'crowds' that you can join in on ...Read full comment
... The social life is pretty good ...Read full comment
... There are some people that are so incredibly socially retarded that I truly wonder how they function at all ...Read full comment
... best experience of my life, I have grown as an entire person from an apathetic nose in the book type to an individual engaged with incredibly int...Read full comment
... The social life on campus is percieved differently from each student and is actually very diverse ...Read full comment
... Unlike our peers schools like Harvard, Yale, Princeton and Stanford, Chicago's common core curriculum requires any physics majors to study 3 civi...Read full comment
... I found people to socialize with easily, there is always a concert, movie, or interesting talk happening on campus ...Read full comment
... Also, as is common, I had complaints about the social life at Chicago ...Read full comment
... This that kid syndrome also seeps out into social groups, there is always a that kid at every party talking about physics and philosophy when no ...Read full comment
... And yes, there most definitely exists a wonderful social life ...Read full comment
... Many people gripe about the lackluster social life ...Read full comment
... Academic and Social (of course the two are never completely separate) ...Read full comment
... For one thing, my social life (I don't want to add to stereotypes, I'm speaking as a tranfer here) took a real nose dive for a while, and it's o...Read full comment
... i loved the social life there--it was great to have a society of nerds with whom i could be smart, goofy, or anywhere in between ...Read full comment
... All kinds of social life, activities, clubs, organizations are available ...Read full comment
... Aside from the social factor I don't think I got much out of UChicago: I can barely remember what I learned; I don't think it was taught very ...Read full comment
... There *is* a social life ...Read full comment
... It is seen as the Universities attempt at pushing a social life(or at least sleep) on us ...Read full comment
... The social life here is not so great as to make non-partiers into party animals, but if you do party you can find good events 2-3 times per week ...Read full comment
... The social life is what you make of it, but it can be fun, depending on your definition of "fun" ...Read full comment
... and i have a very steady social life ...Read full comment
... And indeed, I did, and after two years of education here, despite the ass-kicking, I have grown beyond expectations: intellectually, emotionally,...Read full comment
... A music major has to take two calculus classes; 3 physics classes; and 3 chemistry or 3 biology classes in addition to 3 social sciences and 3 hu...Read full comment
... This is not a place where you will study hard and also have a good social life ...Read full comment
... The academics are great, but you really have to work at finding a social life (not something UChicago students are inclined to do) ...Read full comment
... The econ that is taught here is completely different from other schools because econ is not taught as a social science, but rather as more of an ...Read full comment
... The focus is very much academic, but people who say that there is no social life usually mean the social life isn't like it is at other schools ...Read full comment
... While I loved the intellectual challenges at UC, I found the social atmosphere somewhat chilly ...Read full comment
... The University of Chicago is really a fantastic place to receive an education, strong in several departments including the arts and humanities, so...Read full comment
... The social life tends more towards discussion, eating, visiting museums, operas and symphonies than frat parties, and it is a GOOD thing ...Read full comment
... There is a great social scene at U of C, but it's of a more personal nature ...Read full comment
... ) Free-thinking is encouraged, and despite the jokes about having no social life, I have fun all of the time, especially via dorm life and the on...Read full comment
... If you're into the social sciences or humanities, do yourself a favor and attend a small liberal arts college ...Read full comment
... However, if the answer mixes not only learning but also a significant social life, then go somewhere else ...Read full comment
... Most do not drop out due to the social environment alone; almost all cite academic concerns ...Read full comment
... Also, contrary to popular myth, "The University's" social life was diverse and quite lively ...Read full comment
... If you are only interested in getting great grades to make top grad schools then you have to sacrifice some of your social life ...Read full comment
... Students complain that there is no social life, but if this is so it is because most students who come here are socially awkward to begin with a...Read full comment
... Also, contrary to popular myth, "The University's" social life was diverse and quite lively ...Read full comment
... When you are not travelling in academic circles, investment banking/medicine/law circles, or elitist coastal social circles, no one will kno...Read full comment
... With regards to social life, there's obviously some ambiguity; some say it's horrible, some say they have a decent social life ...Read full comment
... But most UChicago students will also agree that the U of C's excellent reputation comes with an extreme downfall: lack of a quality social experi...Read full comment
... I did not socialize when in graduate school (not like my undergraduate years at a liberal arts school) because my entire focus was in doing ...Read full comment
... If you want a vibrant social life with every night out drinking, go somewhere else ...Read full comment
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