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Biola University

2005 (when the photo was taken)
Biola University
Student Description
Just a typical day on the cafe patio

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Biola University
This is a partial front view of the Library.
Biola University
Hope Hall - the second newest dorm on campus.
Biola University
Biola undergrads enjoying one of the many beautiful
Biola University
Sonia and Joque playing some sort of parachute game with the
Biola University
The world famous Biola Bell Tower.
Biola University
Some of the on campus apartments.
Biola University
In the winter these trees are lit up with white lights - it's
Biola University
Calvary Chapel - a center for worship on campus
Biola University
State of the art soccer field that also helped to solve
Biola University
Mezger Lawn and Library
Biola University
The newly rebuilt Horton Hall.
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