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The University of Alabama - Birmingham

How this student rated the school
Research QualityF Research AvailabilityF
Research FundingF Graduate PoliticsF
Errand RunnersF Degree CompletionF
Alternative pay [ta/gsi]F Sufficient PayF
CompetitivenessF Education QualityF
Faculty AccessibilityF Useful ResearchF
ExtracurricularsF Success-UnderstandingF
Surrounding CityF Social Life/EnvironmentF
"Individual" treatmentF FriendlinessF
SafetyF Campus BeautyF
Campus MaintenanceF University Resource/spendingF
Describes the student body as:

Describes the faculty as:

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Research Quality
Highest Rating
Research Quality
He cares more about Campus Maintenance than the average student.
Date: Dec 31 1969
Major: Public Policy (This Major's Salary over time)
Not as friendly as I was told the professors would be. Very expensive , they charge you for things you don't even sign up for like a Meal plan and helth insurance. It's all about the money. Would not recommend. They are not University Alabama.
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