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Peer Review: Nonsensical, Duplicate Survey, High Vulgarity, High Grammatical Error, Probably Admissions, Content Useless, Malicious Intent/Faked, SPAM, :1 Nonsensical, Duplicate Survey, High Vulgarity, High Grammatical Error, Probably Admissions, Content Useless, Malicious Intent/Faked, SPAM, :1 Nonsensical, Duplicate Survey, High Vulgarity, High Grammatical Error, Probably Admissions, Content Useless, Malicious Intent/Faked, SPAM, :1 Nonsensical, Duplicate Survey, High Vulgarity, High Grammatical Error, Probably Admissions, Content Useless, Malicious Intent/Faked, SPAM, :1 Nonsensical, Duplicate Survey, High Vulgarity, High Grammatical Error, Probably Admissions, Content Useless, Malicious Intent/Faked, SPAM, :1 Nonsensical, Duplicate Survey, High Vulgarity, High Grammatical Error, Probably Admissions, Content Useless, Malicious Intent/Faked, SPAM, :1 Nonsensical, Duplicate Survey, High Vulgarity, High Grammatical Error, Probably Admissions, Content Useless, Malicious Intent/Faked, SPAM, :1 Nonsensical, Duplicate Survey, High Vulgarity, High Grammatical Error, Probably Admissions, Content Useless, Malicious Intent/Faked, SPAM, :1 Nonsensical, Duplicate Survey, High Vulgarity, High Grammatical Error, Probably Admissions, Content Useless, Malicious Intent/Faked, SPAM, :1 Nonsensical, Duplicate Survey, High Vulgarity, High Grammatical Error, Probably Admissions, Content Useless, Malicious Intent/Faked, SPAM, :1 Nonsensical, Duplicate Survey, High Vulgarity, High Grammatical Error, Probably Admissions, Content Useless, Malicious Intent/Faked, SPAM, :1

Statistical Analyzer:

Survey (Identifying information hidden.)
AcademicSuccess: 7.69
Again: 1
Competitive: 6.92
Creativity: 10.00
ExCuricular: 10.00
FAttitude1: 1
FAttitude2: 1
FacultyAcc: 10.00
Friendly: 9.23
FromArea: 1
FundingUse: 6.92
Gender: 1
GradYear: 9
Grounds: 9.23
Intellect: 3
Maint: 6.92
MindExpect: 4
MindUse: 4
Programs: 10.00
SAT: 1350
SAttitude1: 1
SAttitude4: 1
SAttitude5: 1
Safety: 6.92
Social: 9.23
Standing: 4
SurroundingCity: 10.00
TAclasses: 1
Usefulwork: 7.69
Worth: 4.61
No/invalid Email Address left

My degree is in the Liberal Arts College - International Affairs and French. To get a B.S., I have still had to take 2 math classes, 2 lab sciences, and 2 computer classes, and these have SUCKED, but you just have to get through it to get the more well-rounded degree.

If I could do it again, I would major in MANAGEMENT. I did not have any respect for this major at first, but all the MGT majors that are graduating with me have great jobs lined up. Plus, the College of MGT takes amazing care of its students. In MGT, you learn A LOT about business and gain a lot of useful skills such as accounting, marketing, IT, entrepreneurship, etc. Plus, a lot of engineering majors end up abandoning the trade and going into business anyways.

I am in-state, so I have the HOPE Scholarship (maintaining a 3.0 or higher). GT has been ridiculously cheap and interviewing for a job or internship has been a lot easier since I am already in Atlanta (instead of in Athens or somewhere else far away).

Georgia Tech is a sink or swim school, but it teaches you about the real world. GT is very well-respected but it does not hold your hand and coddle you like private universities. If you are willing to work and you want to succeed, you will. Sometimes students get screwed over, but you have to adjust your attitude and grow from the experience. GT doesn't ever give you a break. Even the "easy" classes are harder than most classes at other schools. My best advice is to put your nose to the grindstone and just get through GT as quickly as possible.

I wish that I had been more engaged in my classes. I kind of just sat back, did the minimum and made a B or a C without really learning the material (but I am not an engineering major). It is easy to fall through the cracks at GT, but I am OK with this because I was able to slip by and focus on things other than academics. If you want to be that kid who is always raising her hand and answering all the questions, you can definitely be that here too.

My best advice is : GO GREEK!! It will help you make friends, do better in classes, give you something to do, etc. It made my college experience so much better!! I can't imagine how alone I would have been in college if I were not Greek.

Also, find a couple extracurricular things like philanthropic organizations and other clubs to get involved in - but don't over commit yourself.

Overall, GT has been really difficult, but the real world is difficult. People graduating from easier schools have no idea how hard it is out there and have a rude awakening.

I am graduating in a week and I have a great job lined up, so in the end it was totally worth it! Plus, forever I will know that my hardest days are behind me and that I worked hard for and earned my degree.

StudentsReview Advice!

• What is a good school?
• Statistical Significance
• How to choose a Major
• How to choose your Career
• What you make of it?
• How Ivy League Admissions works
• On the Student/Faculty Ratio

• FAFSA: Who is a Parent?
• FAFSA: Parent Contribution
• FAFSA: Dream out of reach

• College Financial Planning
• Survive College and Graduate
• Sniffing Out Commuter Schools
• Preparing for College: A HS Roadmap
• Talking to Your Parents about College.
• Is a top college worth it?
• Why is college hard?
• Why Kids Aren't Happy in Traditional Schools