StudentsReview ™ :: Perceptual Rankings - Best Schools - You Vote!

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Perceptual Rankings:
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New Voting Started on Jun 29!
The last set of rankings had 36,249,428 Votes!

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There are 265 Perceptual Rankings.

Perceptual Ranking
Hottest Girls26
Ugliest Girls02
Best Engineering School11
Best Academic School11
Cutest Girls11
Schools With Cutest Guys11
Cutest Boys11
Best Parties11
Best Marketing School11
Biomedical Engineering11
Best Christian University11
School With The Worst Name11
Computer Engineering11
Best Public School11
Best Private School11
Most Beautiful Campus11
Best Medical School11
Best Law School11
Best Liberal Arts School11
Worst Academic Reputation11
Best Economics Department11
Worst Instructors11
Biggest Rip-off11
Most Like A Diploma Mill11
Most Dishonest Administration11
Dumbest Faculty11
Least Respected11
Most Respected11
Best Historically Black School11
Best Online School11
Most Unethical Administration11
Best Academic Reputation11
Best Biology School11
Top Ten California Schools11
Best Aviation School11
Worst Career Preparation11
Can't Believe It's A University11
Best Architecture School11
Best Film School11
Best Colleges11
Best Dorms11
Prettiest Girls11
Best Location11
Hottest Guys11
Easiest Girls11
Crappiest Academics11
Most STD's11
Ugliest Guys11
Most Sexual Activity11
Best Student Union11
Best Biology Program11
Drapes Don't Match the Rug11
Most Laughed At Diplomas11
Best Athletics School11
Best School In Florida11
Best Art And Design Schools11
Best University11
Most Cheating11
Most Plagiarism11
Abusive Faculty11
Rudest Girls11
Best Basketball Arena11
Best Aerospace Colleges11
Keith Will Not Go Here11
Biggest Scam11
Best School In North Carolina11
Best Journalism Program11
School For Clowns11
Most Like A Cult Or Creepiest11
Best Business Program11
Best Marching Band11
Best Military College11
Best Texas Schools11
Best Stank11
Career Sinkhole11
Best Schools In Minnesota11
Wishes It Was Seton Hall11
Best School In North America11
Best School In The World11
Best School In The Universe11
Best Non-ivy League School11
Best Elementary School11
Best Joke11
Best University For Party11
Best Psychology Program11
Best Christian Aviation Program11
Best Teachers College11
Best Nursing Schools11
Best On Line Colleges11
Best University In Arizona11
Best Accounting School11
Best School For Lgbt Students11
Worst Return On Investment11
Best Library To Have Sex11
Best Communst Indoctrination11
Best Nuclear Engineering Program11
Best Business School11
Best School In Arizona11
Best Place To Learn In Arizona11
Best School To Earn An Mrs.11
Best Community College11
Best University In New Jersey11
Best Vote Manipulation11
Best State Funding Scam11
Best School In Michigan11
Best Ivy11
Best Business/finance11
Best Economics11
Best Commuter School11
Best Ivy Bar None11
Truck Driving11
Ivy Reject Destination11
Princeton Rejects11
Temple U Rejects11
Widener U Rejects11
Saddest State School11
Joke Diploma11
Nobody Cares About This School11
Ranks Lowest In All Categories11
Rank Last In All Categories11
Bottom Of High School Class11
Walmart Worker Career11
Worst Community College11
Walmart Cashier Feeder School11
Telemarketer Feeder School11
Bottom 3 Percent On Sat11
Restaurant Busboy Feeder School11
Busboy Feeder School11
Aspire To Car Wash Career11
Four To Six Years Wasted11
Technical School Embarassment11
Pathetic Ivy Envy11
Raised Chancellor Pay, Tuition $11
Everybody Knows You're The Worst11
Best Pre Med11
Bottom 5% Of High School Class11
Bottom Of Class Safety School11
Top Finance11
Top Business Education11
Top University For Liberal Arts11
Good Luck Working At Walmart11
Abuses Grad Students11
Bow Down To Us Ivies11
Much Better Than Seton Hall11
You Can Do Better11
Da Bestest In Da Hol World11
Harem Scarem11
Aspires To Be Like Seton Hall11
Admires Seton Hall11
Adores Seton Hall!11
Overpaid President11
Reputation In Freefall11
Gimme Yo' Money!!!11
Only One Person Voting11
Some Horrible Place11
Most Attractive Smart Women11
Seton Hall University11
Abuses Sick People11
Viscious And Cruel Librarians11
The Most Avant Garde Art School11
Biggest Dope School11
Stupidest College In Louisiana!11
Most Delusional11
Greedy Administration11
Lol You're Ridiculous11
Stupider Than Seton Hall11
More Pathetic Than Seton Hall11
Run By Stepford Robots11
Super Delusional11
As Nasty As Stinky Seton Hall11
Administration = Hellish Demons11
Blood-sucking Administration11
Most Accurate Ratings11
Hard Liquor 24-711
Pills Everywhere11
Treats People Like Garbage11
Gave Kanye West Ph.d., Yikes!11
Most Gastric11
Nasty, Stinky Dump11
Hoover Heads11
College Of The Holy Cross Haters11
Hates Reed Cause They Ain't Reed11
Seton Hall Jealousy11
Too Dumb For Admission To Reed11
Bow Down To Us, We Are Cthc11
Got Nothing To Do But Post On Sr11
Reed Stinks!11
Thinking Outside The Box11
Dumb Kids W/ Money But No Brains11
Bunch Of Kids With No Lives11
Too Dumb For Carleton11
Setonhall cotholycross Envy Us11
Screw You11
And Screw You Too11
Open Carry (gun Happy) Schools11
Texas Colleges For Non-gun-nuts11
More Ghetto Than Cothc11
Straight Up Nasty11
Saic Wannabes11
Stands Up For Seton Hall11
Lowest 5% Of High School Class11
Total Joke 80% Accept Rate11
Epic Fail High School Students11
Best Finance On The Planet11
Everybody Looks Down On You11
Purdue Is For Losers11
Biggest Joke Degree11
Bottom Of Hs Class Embarassment11
Walden Univ. Rejects Destination11
Progressive Education Schools11
Seton Hall Is Pimpn Your Momma11
Yall Turn Trx 4 Seton Hall Pimpz11
Shush N Go Find Yo Baby A Daddy!11
Hellbound: Filth And Perversion11
Skanks And Manks (man Skanks)11
Most Intellectual College In Us11
Standardized Test Disaster?11
Homely Girls11
Eating Disorders11
Duh, What Research?11
Friendliest Staff11
Actual Good Jobs11
The 13th Grade11
Friendliest Campus11
No Link To Education11
Your Degree Is Worthless11
College Students Are Babies11
Hampshire College = Fake College11
College Students Are Braindead11
Campus Overrun By Pigs11
Syracuse University11
Learning Disability Program11
Tech School Scams11
Campus Swamped By Skanks!11
Ug-a-mug Girls11
Worst President11
Vicious Administration11
Icky, Just Icky!11
Farts In Toilet/snaps At Bubbles11
Vanderbilt Rejects11
Texas State University11
Donald Trump11
Calls Cops On Black Co-eds!11
Marine Biology11
Sexual Predator Professors11
$$$ Get Rich $$$11
Thinks Trump Is Innocent11
Schools Envied By Ivy Leaguers11
Best School For Working Students11
Best Part Time Degree Programs11
Best College In Boston Area11
Best Worcester Area School11
Studentsreview Are Whiny Babys11
Use For Better Reviews11
Most Likely To Covid You11

StudentsReview Advice!

• What is a good school?
• Statistical Significance
• How to choose a Major
• How to choose your Career
• What you make of it?
• How Ivy League Admissions works
• On the Student/Faculty Ratio

• FAFSA: Who is a Parent?
• FAFSA: Parent Contribution
• FAFSA: Dream out of reach

• College Financial Planning
• Survive College and Graduate
• Sniffing Out Commuter Schools
• Preparing for College: A HS Roadmap
• Talking to Your Parents about College.
• Is a top college worth it?
• Why is college hard?
• Why Kids Aren't Happy in Traditional Schools
• Essential College Tips
• Cost of College Increasing Faster Than Inflation
• For parents filling out the FAFSA and PROFILE (from a veteran paper slinger)
• How to choose the right college?
• Create The Right Career Habits Now
• Senior Year (Tips and experience)
• Informational Overload! What Should I Look For in a College or University?
• Personality Type and College Choice
• A Free Application is a Good Application
• College Academic Survival Guide
• Getting Involved: The Key to College Happiness
• Choose a Path, Not a Major
• The Scoop on State Schools
• The Purpose of a Higher Education
• The Importance of Choosing the Right College Major (2012)
• How to choose a college major
• How to guarantee your acceptance to many colleges
• Nailing the College Application Process
• What to do for a Successful Interview
• I Don't Know Where to Start (General College Advice)
• Attitude and Dress Code for an Interview (General College Advice)
• Starting College (General College Advice)
• Boston Apartment lease: Watch out!
• What college is right for you?