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Existing Review Notes:

Peer Review: Nonsensical, Duplicate Survey, High Vulgarity, High Grammatical Error, Probably Admissions, Content Useless, Malicious Intent/Faked, SPAM, :1 Nonsensical, Duplicate Survey, High Vulgarity, High Grammatical Error, Probably Admissions, Content Useless, Malicious Intent/Faked, SPAM, :1 Nonsensical, Duplicate Survey, High Vulgarity, High Grammatical Error, Probably Admissions, Content Useless, Malicious Intent/Faked, SPAM, :1 Nonsensical, Duplicate Survey, High Vulgarity, High Grammatical Error, Probably Admissions, Content Useless, Malicious Intent/Faked, SPAM, :1 Nonsensical, Duplicate Survey, High Vulgarity, High Grammatical Error, Probably Admissions, Content Useless, Malicious Intent/Faked, SPAM, :1 Nonsensical, Duplicate Survey, High Vulgarity, High Grammatical Error, Probably Admissions, Content Useless, Malicious Intent/Faked, SPAM, :1 Nonsensical, Duplicate Survey, High Vulgarity, High Grammatical Error, Probably Admissions, Content Useless, Malicious Intent/Faked, SPAM, :1 Nonsensical, Duplicate Survey, High Vulgarity, High Grammatical Error, Probably Admissions, Content Useless, Malicious Intent/Faked, SPAM, :1 Nonsensical, Duplicate Survey, High Vulgarity, High Grammatical Error, Probably Admissions, Content Useless, Malicious Intent/Faked, SPAM, :1 Nonsensical, Duplicate Survey, High Vulgarity, High Grammatical Error, Probably Admissions, Content Useless, Malicious Intent/Faked, SPAM, :1 Nonsensical, Duplicate Survey, High Vulgarity, High Grammatical Error, Probably Admissions, Content Useless, Malicious Intent/Faked, SPAM, :1

Statistical Analyzer:

Survey (Identifying information hidden.)
ACT: 26
AcademicSuccess: 0.77
Competitive: 3.85
Creativity: 0.77
ExCuricular: 0.77
FAttitude1: 1
FAttitude3: 1
FAttitude4: 1
FacultyAcc: 7.69
Friendly: 8.46
FromArea: 2
FundingUse: 4.61
Gender: 1
GradYear: 18
Grounds: 10.00
Intellect: 4
Maint: 1.54
MindExpect: 3
MindUse: 1
Programs: 0.77
SAttitude1: 1
SAttitude3: 1
SAttitude4: 1
SAttitude7: 1
SAttitude8: 1
Safety: 10.00
Social: 0.77
Standing: 1
SurroundingCity: 0.77
TAclasses: 1
Usefulwork: 0.77
Worth: 7.69
No/invalid Email Address left

Literally do not come here if you are somewhat of a social person. This campus is full of people who were not so cool in high school and then this is their time to shine. Absolutely no social life. I am greek and some of our socials included plying "capture the flag." being greek means nothing here because you don't do anything socially. Girls are looking for their husbands here. Everyone I have talked to is physically on the look out for someone they can marry. Here I have met about 25 juniors and seniors that are engaged to be married. If you graduate from the nursing program, you will be staying in Birmingham, or the south. No one outside of the south really has ever heard of the school. The atmosphere is just weird here honestly, and if you are not a southern Baptist DO NOT COME HERE. I am catholic and people constantly try to convert me, not to mention we prayed before classes which I find a little odd. Please please please listen to me!! If you want a social life or normal college experience at all, don't come here!!!! I wish I never did and I'm trying hard to get applications in on time to transfer next semester.

StudentsReview Advice!

• What is a good school?
• Statistical Significance
• How to choose a Major
• How to choose your Career
• What you make of it?
• How Ivy League Admissions works
• On the Student/Faculty Ratio

• FAFSA: Who is a Parent?
• FAFSA: Parent Contribution
• FAFSA: Dream out of reach

• College Financial Planning
• Survive College and Graduate
• Sniffing Out Commuter Schools
• Preparing for College: A HS Roadmap
• Talking to Your Parents about College.
• Is a top college worth it?
• Why is college hard?
• Why Kids Aren't Happy in Traditional Schools