StudentsReview :: New York Career Institute - Extra Detail about the Comment
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New York Career Institute

How this student rated the school
Survey is Blank
Describes the student body as:
Afraid, Arrogant, Broken Spirit, Snooty

Describes the faculty as:
Arrogant, Condescending, Unhelpful, Self Absorbed

Lowest Rating
Educational Quality
Highest Rating
Educational Quality
He cares more about Safety than the average student.
Date: Dec 30 2013
Major: Other (This Major's Salary over time)
This school is the biggest waste of time. RUN! If you aren't one of the "star" students who finishes in a short period of time you are more than likely going to be stuck on those 2 floors for 4-6 years. The administration doesn't tell you that when you go to sign up. IT IS NOT A 2 YEAR PROGRAM!!!!!!!! They just keep taking your money. BIG BUSINESS!!!!! The administration is unprofessional, uneducated, rude, and downright pathetic. The teachers are a bunch of reporter drop outs who think their students are their friends. I didn't even know a dean existed or even department chairs until years into the school because they are never around and don't interact with the students like that is the title they hold. HORRIBLE PLACE!!!!!!!
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