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Cabrini College

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Date: Aug 30 2005
Major: Design Arts - Industrial Design/Graphic Design/etc (This Major's Salary over time)
I didn't graduate from here,I switched majors and left. I ended up switching from Biology (I was a bio major here) to Graphic arts and now I am getting my masters in education so I can teach too.

Anyway, I hated it here. No social atmosphere whatsoever… Located in the middle of nowhere… But the campus is pretty. Pretty, but nothing to do. Food sucked too… I had more fun living at home going to my state school than I did here. and i am a party person, so you know it sucked. (i lived close to Philly and had friends there at Drexel to hang out with)

The teachers were OK. I really liked my Biology class.

In my room mate survey, I asked for a non-smoking roommate. And she SMOKED! …and was really inconsiderate about it too. Her boyfriend was constantly sneaking into the all-girls dorm and they were screwing all night- I was right THERE! The students were the snottiest people I have ever met- and I came from a college prep school. So I knew snobs, but these snobs put those snobs to shame.

I wouldn't sentence anyone to this school.

Sorry Cabrini people… they really need to work on making a better atmosphere here.

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