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Pitzer College

How this student rated the school
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Describes the student body as:

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Quite Bright
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Date: Sep 17 2008
Major: Other (This Major's Salary over time)
Pitzer provided me with a high quality education - one that I needed to assume some of he responsibility for, to craft out of the many possibilities. I was impressed by the support of Independent Study classes, as contrasted to Pomona College, where Independent Study classes were difficult to arrange and frowned upon. My major was Latin American Studies - an unusual one for Pitzer - so some of my needs were not those of average Pitzer students.

I loved being able to mix and study with students from the other 4 Claremont Colleges. In fact, in my major, I HAD to take off-campus classes, and did so at Pomona, CMC, and Scripps.

I feel Pitzer provided me with a good boost into life - I subsequently spent a year in grad school, and went from there to eventually having a career in Education, and doing some writing and Editing - mostly of textbooks. I know several of the jobs I got early on were at least partly because of Pitzer's or the Claremont Colleges' reputation.

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