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Seattle University

How this student rated the school
Educational QualityB+ Faculty AccessibilityA-
Useful SchoolworkB+ Excess CompetitionA
Academic SuccessA Creativity/ InnovationB+
Individual ValueB+ University Resource UseB+
Campus Aesthetics/ BeautyA FriendlinessB
Campus MaintenanceA+ Social LifeB+
Surrounding CityA+ Extra CurricularsB+
Describes the student body as:
Friendly, Afraid

Describes the faculty as:
Helpful, Arrogant

Not so bright
Lowest Rating
Highest Rating
Campus Maintenance
He rated most things higher than other students did.
Date: Jul 19 2010
Major: Chemistry (This Major's Salary over time)
First of you should congratulate yourself for going to college as well as for taking it one step further by searching for advice from Senior students.

Since I was from out of state (Texas) my first visit to SeattleU was during welcome week. I will be honest at first I wanted to run away and I was already thinking of transferring from the University. I'm a smart student but I also like to have fun, party and football. Basically I wanted my college to resemble those "National Lampoon" movies. To make matters worse I found out the school was a Jesuit school (which explains the party dilemma).

However, things started to look great after a few weeks, I met really great friends, I soon got accepted into the college of Sci&Eng, and for parties I manage to find off campus parties.

The best thing about SeattleU is the small class size—a plus for science students. The professors are amazing at what they teach but that comes with a really bad grade if you screw up. The school makes the work of graduate school admission office so easy by challenging and eliminating students. My dream of Med school was crushed the first quarter (yes! we're on the quarter system!) of Gen Chemistry and I studied 15hours and right now I'm not even sure I can get into a Pharmacy school. So if you succeed at SU—graduate school is free admission, trust me!!

I usually don't comment on Social life because its your personality that dictates your surrounding. However I will give you a good demographics. The guys are the minority, only one third of the student body, most of them are in relationship, few are gay (a chance for you to experiment), most are Asian and White. The females are the majority at our school, and most of them are under 5 feet ( don't ask me why?). It seems as if all the good looking females, cheerleaders, hotties went to the major Universities and we're left with librarians.

In conclusion, I recommend Seattle University for everyone who doesn't want to be just a number. They provide you with great financial aid, you get to live in greater Seattle and you will build great friends. However remember this it's not the admission office or "you" who decide the school it's the school itself. I hope this helped and if you need anymore advice I will leave my email.

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