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Date: May 11 2004 Major: Engineering Department (This Major's Salary over time) I went to grad school immediately after Mudd, and the differences between it and a state school were immediately apparent. In a state school, the professors will mention the more rigorous understanding of a subject, but will ALWAYS give in and only test for basic comprehension. At Mudd, the teachers will mention advanced topics, and then test you on something even more difficult. Mudd professors just don't give in to student complaints; they expect you to be able to make that leap of understanding on their exams. Add to this the fact that every person in the class is smart enough to get a 4.0 at most schools, and you have an extremely challenging, stressful, and rewarding academic environment.Because of the general science curriculum at Mudd, your first quarter of grad school will be a difficult adjustment. But in the long run, things are going to be incredibly easy compared to Mudd. The amount of work you have to do and the amount of pressure you're under at Mudd just can't be put into words. This means that your 4 years at Mudd won't be the happiest ever, but it's worth it because everything afterwards is a cakewalk.The difficulty DOES mean your GPA will be grimace-worthy. This definitely hurts your chances of getting into the best grad schools. But, at least in engineering, Mudd's reputation in industry almost guarantees you a job after graduation. I've talked to graduates of other reputable engineering schools, and apparently unemployment is the norm for their graduates. Mudd's reputation, career services, and clinic basically guarantee employment after graduation.Socially, Mudd is without comparison. Yes, Claremont itself couldn't be worse and many of the people at Mudd are almost intolerably asocial. But the community at Mudd, from it's lax discipline, insane parties, and incessant pranks, is something you won't find anywhere else in life, let alone at any other school. Students at Mudd don't know how good they've got it, and appreciation for the social scene is sometimes lost under piles and piles of stress. But as soon as you get out into the real world, you'll understand how unique the social experience at Mudd is.Overall, Mudd is a fantastic experience for people with the willpower to succeed against all odds. You need to be seriously dedicated to your major, with genuine interest in understanding the material, to succeed academically. But as long as you put forth the effort, professors will do everything they can to help you graduate. Social success just falls out of academic success. Do your work, put in enough time to get the grades you want, and you'll have no problem partying like a maniac during your free time.
Major: Engineering Department (This Major's Salary over time)
I went to grad school immediately after Mudd, and the differences between it and a state school were immediately apparent. In a state school, the professors will mention the more rigorous understanding of a subject, but will ALWAYS give in and only test for basic comprehension. At Mudd, the teachers will mention advanced topics, and then test you on something even more difficult. Mudd professors just don't give in to student complaints; they expect you to be able to make that leap of understanding on their exams. Add to this the fact that every person in the class is smart enough to get a 4.0 at most schools, and you have an extremely challenging, stressful, and rewarding academic environment.Because of the general science curriculum at Mudd, your first quarter of grad school will be a difficult adjustment. But in the long run, things are going to be incredibly easy compared to Mudd. The amount of work you have to do and the amount of pressure you're under at Mudd just can't be put into words. This means that your 4 years at Mudd won't be the happiest ever, but it's worth it because everything afterwards is a cakewalk.The difficulty DOES mean your GPA will be grimace-worthy. This definitely hurts your chances of getting into the best grad schools. But, at least in engineering, Mudd's reputation in industry almost guarantees you a job after graduation. I've talked to graduates of other reputable engineering schools, and apparently unemployment is the norm for their graduates. Mudd's reputation, career services, and clinic basically guarantee employment after graduation.Socially, Mudd is without comparison. Yes, Claremont itself couldn't be worse and many of the people at Mudd are almost intolerably asocial. But the community at Mudd, from it's lax discipline, insane parties, and incessant pranks, is something you won't find anywhere else in life, let alone at any other school. Students at Mudd don't know how good they've got it, and appreciation for the social scene is sometimes lost under piles and piles of stress. But as soon as you get out into the real world, you'll understand how unique the social experience at Mudd is.Overall, Mudd is a fantastic experience for people with the willpower to succeed against all odds. You need to be seriously dedicated to your major, with genuine interest in understanding the material, to succeed academically. But as long as you put forth the effort, professors will do everything they can to help you graduate. Social success just falls out of academic success. Do your work, put in enough time to get the grades you want, and you'll have no problem partying like a maniac during your free time.