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Texas Christian University

How this student rated the school
Educational QualityA- Faculty AccessibilityA+
Useful SchoolworkB Excess CompetitionB
Academic SuccessA Creativity/ InnovationB+
Individual ValueA- University Resource UseB
Campus Aesthetics/ BeautyB FriendlinessB+
Campus MaintenanceA+ Social LifeB
Surrounding CityA Extra CurricularsB
Describes the student body as:
Friendly, Arrogant, Approachable

Describes the faculty as:
Friendly, Helpful

Quite Bright
Lowest Rating
Useful Schoolwork
Highest Rating
Faculty Accessibility
He cares more about Campus Aesthetics/ Beauty than the average student.
Date: Jul 12 2004
Major: Business - Management and Administration (This Major's Salary over time)
Involvement and being outgoing are the keys to this place. Let me explain.

Those who read this…I have a challenge for you. Try to find someone who says they do not like TCU. Now here is the catch…ask them how involved they were. I am not just talking about being Greek. I can almost promise you they did next to nothing (90% of the time). I will tell you, this is not the place to come and sit in your dorm and study 24/7, though studying is very important. If you join a fraternity or sorority you will not have this problem at all. You will already have you friends there for you…however…if you plan on making top grades or have high goals beyond undergraduate years I would not recommend this. The people in the Greek system are very homogeneous. If you want a diverse group of friends or want to expand your horizons the Greek system is not good. If you have no social skills and like to party, by all means go Greek and you will have you're niche and you will have fun. Just remember after the 4 years of partying are over….it's over….Here is my story. I came to TCU and I talked to some of the Greeks, I decided that this wasn't for me. I knew that to make friends I would have to get involved. Though I did already have friends from frog camp (I definitely recommend frog camp). I ran for student government and got involved in drama and programming council. I met so many people and made lots of friends. They say there are a lot of Greeks here. There are a lot of Greeks here no doubt. However, something you've got to remember is that there are tons that are not as well…60% of the student body in fact. I will admit there they do tend to me a lot of shallow blondes walking around and some preppy guys but if you can tolerate that you are fine.

About 80% of the campus is white-Christian conservatives who are upper middle class.

Most seem to be nice though.

However, there are liberals and there are a political debates held about 3 times a year in the student center between the campus republicans and democrats.

Fraternity parties are open to non-Greeks. Also, the Rugby team throws parties about once a week and everyone is invited.

The theater kids do some as well. Though these are not as well known as the Greek ones.

Some student's experiences may be different but I had great professors and I found my classes very challenging. Most of the classes are small as well and you can get lots of one on one with the professors.

The campus is very pretty and Ft. Worth is a cool town. I believe it does not get enough credit for what it has to offer.

Football is always exciting, the team is very good and controversial. We are projected to be very good again this year.

However, no one really cares about most of the other sports…and they shouldn't, they aren’t good.

With the exception of Milton Daniel Hall, the dorms are nicer than what you will find at most other universities.

Final Analysis and Advice:

  • You must get involved! If you get involved with enough stuff, stay on top of your work and mainly get out and just talk to people it is almost impossible to be unhappy.
  • Do not go Greek if you have high goals for yourself.
  • Yes there is a huge presents of Greeks, however, there are also tons of non-Greeks. You will have to look harder to find the non-Greeks. Social life is what YOU make of it if you are not Greek.
  • Most are white conservatives and can be snobbish but the majority of people on campus are very friendly (I've met some amazing people).
  • Study hard and take your work seriously and you will do great.
    commentRows=6 cols=34 wrap=virtual
    commentSo yeah like I'm glad you had a nice experience and all but going Greek is so irrelevant to the goals you set for yourself. I'm familiar with many fellow Greeks who have very high aspirations and are heavily involved at TCU besides being involved in Greek Life. Don't even know when this was posts, but I couldn't read it without responding. Hey, if you don't think the Greek life is for you, by all means, don't do it. However, don't form a rash and unsupported conclusion that you can't join Geeek life if you want to set high goals for yourself throughout college and beyond. Go frogs
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