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Florida State University

How this student rated the school
Educational QualityC+ Faculty AccessibilityD+
Useful SchoolworkF Excess CompetitionF
Academic SuccessB- Creativity/ InnovationC-
Individual ValueF University Resource UseC+
Campus Aesthetics/ BeautyF FriendlinessF
Campus MaintenanceC+ Social LifeD-
Surrounding CityF Extra CurricularsC
Describes the student body as:
Afraid, Broken Spirit, Violent

Describes the faculty as:

Lowest Rating
Useful Schoolwork
Highest Rating
Academic Success
He cares more about Campus Aesthetics/ Beauty than the average student.
Date: Sep 20 2011
Major: Geography and Geosciences (This Major's Salary over time)
Bullying is very common at FSU. I was sitting in the bridge lounge reading a book and two boys came over, tore the book out of my hand, and started tearing out the pages and laughing at me. I have been threatened with violence in the bathrooms at Strozier and have had my textbooks STOLEN by other students. I am flipped off and yelled at regularly by passing students. In my Chinese class I was supposed to partner up with another student for an in class reading assignment and none of them wanted to work with me. The only person who wasn't partnered up walked up and left the classroom because he only wanted to work with "his friends."

I have had people at FSU walk past me and tell me I looked gay and then start talking about how gays should be bashed to "cure" them.

I spent two years at a community college and it was a hell of a lot nicer than this hellhole. Don't go here if you don't fit in with FSU's closed-minded, self-centered mold. I'm moving out of Tallahassee as soon as I can for grad school.

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